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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  September 24, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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vote hank for u.s. senate. >> i don't want to start anything but i'm fairly sure the 360 staff is made up of more dog people than just cat people. but there's no dog in this fight, so we have no choice. we got to vote for the cat. that does it for us. is america to blame for rising tensions? the death of the american ambassador to libya. the president of the united states nowhere to be seen. a brawl breaks out at a plant making apple products forcing it to shut down. what is that going to mean for your new iphone? let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett.
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"outfront" tonight, iran slaps israel. iran's president ahmadinejad is on american soil tonight and i was with him today. he was smiling, making jokes, very relaxed as he took questions from a group of journalists at his hotel. he kept asking us to exchange views. not just ask questions. but we had a lot of questions to ask. and in his answers, he called israel's threats to attack iran's nuclear program, in his words, a blip on the radar screen. >> translator: principally, we do not take seriously what the scientists say in threatening iran. >> so it's hard to imagine a more clear bow off than that, right? until you hear this. >> translator: they have been ok pieing those territories for the last 60 to 70 years with the support of force of the westerners. they have no roots there in history. iran is a vast, great country that has been as such for thousands of years. again, they do not even enter the equation for iran.
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>> well, it isn't just israel either. ahmadinejad said he takes no one seriously who questions iran's claims that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. >> translator: everyone knows that iran is not seeking a nuclear bomb or nuclear weapon. and so unfortunately, the scene resembles that more of a comedy show than anything else. >> a comedy show. maybe this would be funny if it weren't the real world we all live in. a situation that could all end in war. the u.s. national security council spokesperson responded to those comments at the breakfast this morning saying, president ahmadinejad's comments are disgusting, offensive and outrageous. they underscore again why america's commitment to the security of israel must be unshakable and why the world must hold iran accountable for its utter failure to meet obligations. now, ahmadinejad's will address the united nations and the world in a speech on wednesday. that happens to be the holiest day on the jewish calendar.
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prime minister netanyahu will take the podium the day after and he has been aggressive on the need to stop iran's nuclear ambition. he says iran will be 90% to a bomb in six months. a bomb he says will hurt america. >> all the things you see now in these mobs storming the american embassy is what you'll see in regime with atomic bombs. you can't have people have atomic bombs. >> so, what's causing this escalation? two words. the united states. specifically the election battle between these two men. either mitt romney or barack obama will be the one to decide on the war or peace question. prime minister netanyahu seems to be betting on romney. romney has known him for 35 years. he visited him on the campaign trail in israel. and i even saw one of mitt romney's books on netanyahu's study shelf in jerusalem. he even appears in a pro romney ad in florida. >> the fact is, that every day
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that passes, iran gets closer and closer to nuclear bombs. >> right now, the candidates are duelling over how to handle the conflict. >> the president's decision not to meet with netanyahu, prime minister of israel when the prime minister is here is a mistake. >> so, you know, governor romney is suggesting that we should start another war, he should say so. >> tonight, the israeli response to iran "outfront." earlier, i spoke with israel's council general in new york and asked him for his reaction to ahmadinejad's comments. >> well, i think it's the wrong framing to look at it as you know, iran versus israel. this is a much larger issue. it's the world, it's the west versus iran. i think that what bothers them, what really threatens them is
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everything that we stand for. not necessarily the things that we do. and i say we, i mean the united states, israel the rest of the western civilization. and they're being threatened by all the things we cherish and value. like freedom of speech and women's rights and so on and so forth. this is really what bothers them. i think israel is only the excuse. >> he was very clear to say several times, we don't take seriously. obviously he never uses the word israel. he always uses the word zionists. the threat of the zionists who attack iran's nuclear program. there is a lot of talk about whether the talk out of netanyahu is more bluster. and he could only do it if the united states was there. is there some truth to that is >> look, there is no question that our 193 member at the united nations, there's only one member, iran, that is openly calling for the destruction of another member. israel. there's only one member openly denying the holocaust.
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there's only one member of the united nations that is constantly, habitually instigating violence all over the world, from latin america, through north africa all the way to central asia and certainly in the middle east. for all those reasons and many more, the world simply cannot and should not tolerate the very notion of iran becoming nuclear. >> do you ever feel conflicted when you look at iran, it has a jewish member of parliament, there's been a series on the holocaust, television series that aired in iran. there is a small jewish community there. do you ever feel conflicted at all in that sometimes their actions in that way, don't appear to be anti-jewish. >> i don't think the world has an issue with the iranian people. i think the world has an issue with the ongoing threat posed by the iranian leadership. i think what they're doing is irresponsible and reckless in the first place, for their own people and for their own good.
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the question of whether we can trust the iranians, i -- why should we take the risk? we've seen this before. they mean what they say and they say what they mean. and they're behind a very long string of attacks against israeli and jewish targets all over the world. only recently in bulgaria, before that, we had to deal with numerous attempts to carry out attacks against israeli and jewish targets in recent years. >> when you say they mean what they say and they say what they mean. obviously, you're referring to the terror attacks. another thing we just heard president ahmadinejad say is everyone knows iran is not seeking a nuclear bomb or weapon. he says it again and again an again and the question, however large or small it may be over whether that is true, is why at least the united states hasn't taken more action. but israel knows? >> i think it's not, you know, it's not by israel. i mean, you have to look at the reports compiled by the
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international community. the most recent report actually admitted to the fact that iran's been lying all those years and they are indeed attempting to achieve military nuclear capabilities. >> the iea report. >> exactly. let me remind our viewers, that once iran becomes nuclear, they do not only enter the so-called zone of immunity, but they will spark immediately a regional nuclear arms race, and we may end up with terrorist organizations with access to nuclear devices. this is ultimately change the way we live. this will ultimately change the way we travel. this would ultimately change the way we do business and we have to think about that. nuclear iran will change everything in a very fundamental way. >> do you feel the united states understands that? i mean, there's something like a tough statement we heard out of the national security counsel, but then the fact that the u.s. has so far declined to act.
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mr. netanyahu, who has been frustrated by that on the part at least of the president of the united states. >> well, certainly, you know, i have no desire to enter this political mine field, especially in the midst of this -- >> i mean, it is a minefield, you know. >> -- national election season. i can just say broadly that we've been working very closely with this administration on this issue and many other issues. the level d the scope of the cooperation between the two security establishments is unprecedented and sometimes among friends, you can have disagreements as we've had. >> we've heard about some of them. they've been loud and angry. >> it's perfectly understandable and legitimate. but by and large, the united states is israel's best friend, best ally and would like it to stay that way. >> well, the u.s. is doing damage control today at the u.n. following a death of the u.s. ambassador and mitt romney levels new criticism.
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and early voting is underway. did you know that millions of americans are going to be making their election picks now? no, well before election day. who is going to benefit? this could turn the whole race. and what is going on with american airlines? hundreds of flights canceled. americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪
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our second story, diplomatic damage control. today at the u.n. general assembly in new york, hillary clinton met with leaders of four countries where anti-american protests have broken out. those included libya, where ambassador stevens and three other americans were killed. while secretary clinton met with world leaders, president obama was noticeably absent. he scheduled no one-on-one meetings today with foreign officials. mitt romney launched a new and aggressive attack on comments the president made to "60 minutes" in which he called the recent unrest in the middle east bumps in the road. >> bumps in the road, we had an ambassador assassinated. these are not bumps in the road. these are human lives.
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these are developments we do not want to see. >> is the criticism fair game or is it as the white house called it, desperate and offensive? "outfront" tonight, colin call, obama's foreign policy spokesman and surrogate and former deputy assistant for the middle east. bumps in the road does seem like an awkward choice of words given that three americans and a u.s. ambassador were killed, doesn't it? >> the president's initial response to events in the region were to express our outrage, condolences, to make it clear those responsible for this will be brought to justice. let's remember, it was governor romney whose first impulse was to politicize the deaths of americans and attacks on our diplomatic facilities. i think the question that president obama was asked on 60 minutes was a broader question about trends in the middle east and i think what he said was true. is that the democratization process in the middle east like it has been everywhere the world throughout history, is a long
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and winding road and that it has a lot of bumps and tribulations in it. and that we can't expect countries that lived under decades of dictatorship to move towards jeffersonian overnight. >> in the news cycle we're in, anyone can say words, mitt romney referred to his own poorly chosen words, but it is hard when ever single word is going to be criticized. but what about the situation about how the obama administration handled this? we have learned at cnn that the u.s. consulate in benghazi did not meet standard u.s. consulate security requirements. this is obviously a rather damning thing to be discovering at this point, considering what ended up happening there. jon huntsman told me he thinks consulates there who are not beefed up on security, shouldn't the administration be responding to that? >> i think the administration is
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responding to it. the state department goes to regular security procedures all over the world and updates them to take into account how the situation on the ground changes. i spent a lot of time in iraq and as we were transitioning from our military presence there to the state department presence there, we looked very closely at the security procedures at our consulates and embassies. so i expect in the aftermath of these incidents, there will be another review and steps will be taken to improve security where needed. >> let's talk about libya and the mixed messages. it still seems confusing to me. on the 16th of september, our ambassador called the attacks spontaneous. jay carney agreed with that. then called it a terrorist attack and today during a taping for the view, the president said it wasn't just a mob action. but didn't call it a terrorist attack. after 13 days, shouldn't be know, especially given the libyan government has been very consistent from the beginning in saying this was preplanned. >> i think there's a lot of
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conflicting evidence. and frankly, i'm not privy to the classified information on this. and even if i was, i guess i couldn't tell you about it. my sense is that this was a spontaneous event, that some actors took advantage of. to commit an act of terrorism. now, i think we're still sorting through how much of that was preplanned. but clearly, they took advantage of a protest to do this. >> or they could have ignited the protest, right? and had everything planned. i guess we don't know. i still remain a little confused about that, but i wanted to ask you one other thing and that is also on "the view" when the president was talking to the women there. he talked about the anti-islamic film, and he said, and i want to quote him here. the best way to marginalize that kind of speech in the movie is to ignore it. yet calling the white house is spending $70 million to run an ad on prime time pakistani television, seven plus million
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dollars of which the u.s. and the secretary of state say they denounce the movie. >> we made clear from the beginning we're going the stand up to our values and what's different in this part of the world, they don't have a lot of experience with films that aren't giving the blessing of the state. in this case, it's hard to make the argument that this was a film not endorsed by the united states government. i think the public service advertisements that are in pakistan, are just to make clear that while we have freedom of speech in this country, it wasn't a film that the u.s. government endorsed. i think that's the right approach. >> you know, when the highest hate of america and the lowest like of america in the world and then we take that money to be well spent? >> well, i think we have an interest in making clear that while we stand up for our values of free speech, the u.s. did not endorse this film and create a distance in u.s. policy. what we're seeing around the
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region is not a reaction to u.s. policy, it's a reaction to a particular set of events in this film and i think we're trying to create some distance. >> thank you very much. appreciate you taking the time. next, what is the legal definition of motherhood. a woman going to court to keep the child that she gave birth to and a strong warning from the royal health organization about another virus. this one is in the same class that causes sars. this is stacy from springfield. oh whoa. hello? yes. i didn't realize i'd be talking to an actual person. you don't need to press "0," i'm here. reach a person, not a prompt whenever you call chase sapphire.
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the company that makes the iphone for apple was forced to suspend production today and the reason apparently, the employees were literally fighting. there was a brawl. and according to police reports,
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2,000 employees were involved in a brawl at one of the facilities dormitories last night. the fight resulted in broken windows, a fire and 40 people that actually needed medical attention. it took 5,000 police officers almost four hours to finally restore order. now, according to analysts, the plant's shutdown shouldn't really affect the supply line for the iphone simply because of the way the factory spreads out its manufacturing. so you'll be able to get your apple product even though no doubt thinking about those working conditions might be something that crosses your mind and that brings us to tonight's number. 5 million. that's the number of iphone 5s's apple sold this weekend. while this broke the record of 4 million iphone 4s they sold during the same time period, it was a million less than analysts were expecting. you may think this is crazy, they must be failing. the 5 million figure only includes sells from apple and online orders. what it does not include are early orders from apple's online store and that number's expected
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to be in the millions, so it could come out well above. we're not sure. but apple has just barely scratched the surface when it comes to sales. on friday, the iphone 5s goes on sale in 22 more countries and 100 more by the end of the year and analysts expect apple to sell 45 million of the phones in the december quarter alone. a lot of people buying them for christmas, hanukkah, kwanza, whatever it might be. investors say if apple can achieve that, its stop keeps going up, these are big ifs, that apple could be the first company in the united states, in the world to be valued at a trillion dollars. some people say bubble. some just say wow, i want to bite of that apple. millions of voters will have the opportunity to cast their vote before november 6th. early voting is huge in this country and it may change the strategy, and perhaps the entire result of this year's general election. and an on going dispute at american airlines is forcing the cancellation of hundreds and hundreds of flights. why?
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welcome back. the second half of "outfront," we start the second half of our show with stories we care about where we focus on our reporting from the front lines. and first a european court has ruled a radical muslim cleric can be extradited to the united states from great britain. he faces 11 charges in the u.s., including conspiring in 1999 to set up an islamic jihad training camp in oregon. he argued he would face degrading treatment in a u.s. prison. the european human rights court disagreed and cleared the way for four other men to be extra dated. they will work to ensure they are handed over to the united states as quickly as possible. france says mali has sent a letter to the u.n. security council requesting authorization for military force to help dislodge the armed islamist groups that are occupying the northern half of the country. they will provide logistical support for the mission. tune in tomorrow, we'll have an
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exclusive interview with the prime minister of mali. google shares closing at a new record high. previous record was just blow that. an analyst for citigroup says it could go to $850. his previous target was $740. that's a pretty big jump. facebook did not get the love today, shares were down 9%. down to $20.79. after a report came out negative on the stock saying it could go down as low as $15 a share. in a speech at the peterson institute, christine lagarde urged policy makers to step up and make clear what they're going to do to help the economy. blaming uncertainty over policy for the continued crisis. >> the number of factors are weighing the global economy down. at the center of them, clearly we see uncertainty.
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uncertainty about what policy makers can and will deliver on their promises. and this is having not tangible but real effects, increasing divergence of economic fortunes in the eurozone, and a tepid recovery in the united states of america. >> she also called the fiscal cliff a threat for the entire global economy. it's been 417 days since the u.s. lost its top create rating. what are we doing to get it back? congress is doing nothing because they're not around. our third story, don't call it election day because it's now election days. there are lots of them. these countdowns you're seeing to the election, it's all just a load of slight inaccuracy. chances are, you can vote now. by the end of this month, some voters in 30 states are going to be able to cast their ballots in the presidential election. you don't even have to prove you're going to be out of town.
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voters in all but two of the battleground states are going to be able to cast their ballots at some point before election day, without any excuse at all. maybe just because you don't think you'll feel like getting up on election day. 40% of voters are expected to vote early this year. up from 33% last time and 15% in the year 2000. which side benefits more and how will it impact what happens on the battlefield? between now and november 6th. john avlon is with me, david frum, former speech writer for george w. bush and bill burton, cofounder super pac for president obama priorities usa. great to see you. appreciate it. john avlon, who's the winner from this? >> change the rules, you change the game. the obama campaign's been focused on high voter outreach. the romney camp says they're responding in kind. the fact romney and republicans have done better with older voters might give them an edge stereo typically on early voting. folks that don't feel like leaving home.
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but when they tell reporters they're not targeting a specific demographic, that does give a warning sign. you have to be highly targeted. it's not just election day, it's election weeks. and so right now is voting day, every lost vote the romney campaign has is not a good turnout for their model. >> how important is this early voting for you when you make that decision on where to spend money? >> early voting is pretty important and when you consider the fact that this places like north carolina, people are voting and can vote every day and other places like nevada, speak are starting to go to the polls. it really matters. the ground game really matters and the president's put a lot into the infrastructure to make sure the campaign is set up in field offices across the country. but the other thing that matters is what's happened in the news from day-to-day and when you look at the miserable couple of weeks mitt romney has had, you can't imagine that's helping his early voting effort in places where people have already gone to the polls. >> david frum, 40% of people could be voting early. that is a stunning statistic. most people would be shocked, at least i am. that's nearly half of the
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country. so is this race basically going to be decided well before november? >> i doubt it. early voters are motivated voters and they're older voters. that means they're going to be in this cycle, probably most to the republicans. there are also a lot of military voters in the early voters, again, that's a republican group. but as the country becomes more and more divided, we are battling the two parties over fewer an fewer people and those people are not going to be voting early because they're not so motivated and old. >> so, bill, you think it's going to lean republican? we were talking about this today and some said, no, no, no, it might lean democratic. they can go out, get them motivated. i know you're not going to go out and vote, go out now and get it done. that way it's behind you. >> i think it's the campaign that benefits is the campaign that has the better infrastructure on the ground that can capture the energy that there is. especially among the people on their side. so i think the president in 2008 had this huge expansive ground game that was able to do better
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than you've ever seen in a presidential election before. i think this time the proof will be in the pudding, but i have a hard time believing the president doesn't have a pretty good ground game out there right now, able to capture a lot of those voters who are feeling great about his campaign, and really concerned about romney's campaign. >> he's got apps, everybody. where you can get one and know everyone in your neighborhood and their political party and the last things they bought on i made that part up. >> which is very cool, but the idea it's all going to come down to some 72-hour gotb effort, the way the campaign's been done in the past. the whole point is, it's not going to do that. you've got 40% of americans voting, every day counts. every ad counts. a late-inning push isn't going to have to same impact. the technology is great and the old ground muscle is fun to flex. it's not going to have the same determinative impact. >> i know. i'm just sad, i love the dewey defeats truman. one of the big issues and why the president appeared on "the view," it's going to air tomorrow. david, he was there. he loves it.
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he loves sitting on that couch. obviously wants to court women. i don't know why. they appear to already love him. the latest poll, president up 19 points among women. it's a huge gap. is it a waste of time for him to be sitting down with the ladies instead of meeting with world leaders? of whom he met with none today? >> startling that he would not use this opportunity to meet with world leaders. he turned down benjamin netanyahu, he turned down egyptian president morsi. maybe the main goal was to turn down morsi. it's a strange thing that he has time to do this election earring. just one point about your number of women voters. we're talking about 50% plus a little bit of the population. i don't think it makes sense to talk about them as a block. >> fair point. >> married women vote differently than single. older vote differently from younger women and for republicans, the number to track
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is how do republicans perform among married women. and for republicans, the number to track is how do republicans perform among married women. if they fall below 50%, they're in a lot of trouble. now, one of the challenges for republicans is, of course, the percentage of women who are married is shrinking, as basically the baby boom ages and as baby boom wives outlive baby boom husbands. >> final question to you and i wanted to give you a chance to weigh in. if you were advising him and i know you're not, but would you say, look, i know you're doing fine among women. take this opportunity to sit down with the world leaders and get those pictures of yourself looking presidential that he can't have at that you are able to get. why isn't he doing it? >> well, i'm not going speak to why the president did or didn't meet with leaders at the u.n. today. i don't presuppose to know more about our foreign policy than the folks at the white house do. but the president looks more presidential every day. it's because when he's talking about issues that impact our national security and our role in the global community, he does
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it with so much more command of the issues than mitt romney can hope to muster that i think he's doing that job every single day just by doing his job. >> you just did your job, dodging my question and giving an answer you believe in. which is your top two. thanks to all three of you, appreciate it. speaking of women, our fourth story is debating the definition of motherhood in a courtroom. this is what's at the center of a child custody case in texas. the 48-year-old cindy close says she and her friend, marvin mcmurray, agreed to have a child together so they used his sperm and donated eggs. close became pregnant with twins through invitro fertilization, but after those twins were born in july, close says macmurray revealed to her he was gay, told her she was just a surrogate, and demanded custody of the children. >> reporter: cindy close says she made the biggest decision of her life, without once thinking she needed to legally protect
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herself. you're leaving an awful lot here on just faith and trust. >> that's my nature, unfortunately. >> what has that cost you? >> it's cost me my heart. and it may cost me my children. >> in july, cindy close gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. but the new single mom never got to take them home. they're now at the center of a legal battle in texas, challenging the definition of a mother. >> i'm their mother because i love them. i love them. it's no different than someone who adopted a child. love is what it takes to be a mom. biology doesn't -- in this case, she was using eggs from an anonymous donor and sperm from a long time friend who approached her with a surprising question.
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>> basically, he said, what would you think about being a married, stay at home mom and financially securing your own home. just think of it. that's what he said to me. that began this discussion. >> it might have sounded like a proposal, but it wasn't. cindy says her friend wanted them to be co parents. living apart, but raising the children together. cindy says she believed the children would live with her until the day she got the shock of her life. >> when did you find out he was gay? >> the day my children were born. >> what did you do? >> it was horrible. they just -- i cried and i told them, he's going to steal my babies. he's going to steal my babies, and i don't know what to do. that's what i did. >> while the children were still in the hospital, court documents show their biological father asked the court to declare him
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the sole parent arguing cindy close was not the mother, not genetically related, and her role was that of a surrogate. the children now live at his partner's house, neither the father nor his attorney agreed to comment. >> my children are involved in -- they're minors and we're in litigation, so. >> you don't think miss close should have any relations with your children? >> we're not going to give any comments at this time. >> and the bitter court battle has begun with the potential of shaping the legal definition of a mother. >> does cindy close get to see her children at all? those scenes of her by the crib with the toys were moving. has she had then opportunity to see them since they were born? >> yes, she gets to see them two hours a day, but the children are being kept at the house of the father's partner. it's awkward for her to go over there but she can't take them anywhere.
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>> texas does not allow same sex marriage. does this make this more complicated as the father tries to keep sole custody? >> that argument hasn't come up, it hasn't been relevant to anything we've heard in court so far. the father is the biological father of these children, that is not in dispute. what is in dispute is cindy close's relationship to those children. was she a surrogate or is she legally the mother? >> thank you very much, david. something that gets a lot of people thinking. the world health organization has issued an alert about a new virus related to sars. we're going to tell you about it. and why marco rubio is frustrated with american airlines and why you might be too. [ western accent ] 50% more sawbucks. ♪
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turn to senokot-s tablets. senokot-s has a natural vegetable laxative ingredient plus the comfort of a stool softener for gentle, overnight relief of occasional constipation. go to for savings. we're back with tonight's outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world. we begin tonight in london where a man is in critical condition with an unknown virus that is related to the deadly sars infection.
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the world health organization has issued a gbal alert over the new virus. takika schubert is in london, and i asked her if she knows how he contracted the virus. >> authorities here do not know exactly how or where the man contracted this virus. all we know is that he is in critical condition with a corona virus. this is the same class of virus that causes the common cold but also sars. now, unlike sars, this virus doesn't just cause severe respiratory illness, it also seems to cause kidney failure. fortunately, it doesn't seem to spread as quickly as sars, but this is something that medical authorities still are trying to figure out. what they do know is that a second patient was diagnosed earlier in june with that same
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virus. that patient died. what authorities are looking at now is to see whether or not these two patients were in any way connected and how or where these two may have contracted that virus. that will help authorities figure out whether or not this virus is spreading or whether it is already much more widespread. erin? >> thanks very much. obviously a frightening story there that we will be following. now we go to nepal where three mountain climbers are missing after an avalanche swept through the himalayan mountains. at least eight were killed, possibly more. we just don't know the full count at this time. but it is the worst disaster in nepal in nearly two decades. we are in new delhi following the story about the search and rescue. >> reporter: on the second day of the search and rescue mission, officials tell us eight bodies have been recovered so far. most of them are european nationals, one is a nepali and 21 other mountaineers have been rescued and brought to katmandu and are undergoing treatment. most are suffering from frostbite. we spoke to helicopter companies who have conducting these search and rescue missions for the past few days. they were telling us they have not been instructed to go back and find these three missing mountaineers. but the reality is, they don't expect to find any more survivors at this point. this is just the beginning of the main climbing season in
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nepal, summiting some of the world's highest mountains is becoming an increasingly popular activity, especially for adventurous tourists but this is a grim reminder now of how dangerous that can be. now our fifth story "outfront." there is a dispute among american airlines pilots that could be to blame for cancelled flights. marco rubio took to twitter to vent his frustration. what else are you going to do when you're sitting there waiting. every american flight has been two hours or cancelled. it's a bankrupt airline, they cancelled 105 flights today. 76 of those were preplanned. typical word to use in this country right now. which means they planned it ahead. the union and airline are fighting over benefits.
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george is out front. good to see you. this has really affected american. no question, anyone out there would have experienced it. half their planes are late and the rest of the industry not even close. >> right. the other half of the industry, all major airlines, 86% on time versus 49% for american over the last week. the pilots are angry. the airline employees in general are as well. it's not only their fault. let's face it, the unions are to blame, the government's to blame for our broken air traffic control system. we need a next-gen system. we were talking about how it's much better in europe. one reason is they have a better air traffic control system. >> you're saying this is something we never invested in? >> right. it costs the airlines money because they can't fly their planes close enough and that means they can't pay their employees enough. i was on a delta flight just the other day and my flight attendant was a model. i saw her in the american express ad in my magazine. she has to work as a model in order to survive in this industry.
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>> wow. she must love her job. >> she doesn't love her job. >> you got to see the woman we always see doing the announcements on tv, you saw her in the flesh? she's not a bot? >> i was flipping through the magazine and there she was. >> wow! >> airline employees always debate -- >> we're talking about the same woman. very beautiful woman. okay. sorry, everybody. i know that was a bit of a detour. what's going to happen with american? i always wonder this. we have airlines in this country constantly cycling in and out of bankruptcy. maybe we don't need so many of them. >> we don't. we have a lot of airlines. american will merge with us airways and be a stronger airline. if that causes them to have one fewer airline, basically, jetblue will jump in, spirit will jump in, we have frontier, we have a lot of airlines still in this country that can fill the gap. i think air fares are really going to remain where they are.
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the main point is that airline employees who have given back a lot -- >> they have. they work hard hours. i overhear them talking. they talk about how they sleep in bunk beds in random places. these people are working very, very hard for very little money. >> should we avoid american airlines? if you have to get there for uncle harry's funeral, yes, i would definitely. >> all right. just a final question. what do we need to do to have flying in america become a better prospect for people flying like it is in europe? i mean, i have to say, it's the worst it gets in this country. >> i think we have to have a better air traffic control system, we have to have a little more consolidation in the industry so the airlines can make a profit. basically, the air traffic control system is the main thing that's keeping us from competing with other carriers in europe. >> thank you very much. learned a lot. not least of which is that that delta woman is real. all right. next, a new ad campaign that seems like is straight out of a science fiction novel.
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particularly when you click through on one of their links. today they posted a link to this picture. a computer generated mockup of a micro-air vehicle in the shape of a mosquito. just take a look at that. it's a pretty beautiful thing. according to descriptions we found online, this particular device would allow the user to draw blood, take dna samples or insert devices under the skin of a target. devices. gps devices. typically, this didn't exist yet but a lot of people think the u.s. government is currently developing these little drones. but how close are we to something like this? is it really just science fiction or is there more to it? is it the government we have to worry about? because you know what, after i saw this picture, we heard about a creepy new british ad campaign from the candy campaign nestle. the nestle "we will find you" promotion has the company putting gps trackers in six of their candy bars. when the wrapper on the bar is opened, the gps gets activated.